Sunday 18 June 2017

Part Three

part one

part two

We must learn to meet coincidence with more humility again. The deep emotion, that lets us sense especially in this case the most significant, is neither superstition nor Schwärmerei. It is rather superstition and a superstition of a rather arrogant and foolish kind to believe that our human faculties are sufficient to understand the world substance. The capacity of our intellect is simply too limited, and 'powers' (it is not important what name we apply to them) there are innumerous. So - who wouldn't have experienced this? - for example that just at the moment when one has gained the inner maturity an outer event happens that helps us to unfold and break through; that just at the historic turning point the man is born, who is called to bring forth the decisive reversal; that in the first place in this or that hour a human being of a certain, singular dsiposition comes into existence: all of this (and many more) is neither coincidence nor can it be construed by the laws of causality.

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